Submissions Open for UNICEF 14th Meena Media Award 2018

Submissions open for UNICEF Meena Media Award 2018, deadline June 01, 2018.  This year, submissions are solicited in two different age groups: Under-18 and 18 & above and seven categories: Print Media/Online Media: Reports (news reports, investigative reports, features, post editorials) Print Media/Online Media Creative (articles, features, stories, poems) Visual Media – Reports including videography… Continue reading Submissions Open for UNICEF 14th Meena Media Award 2018

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Community Radio Reaches 1.2 Million People with Quality Family Planning Information in Rural Bangladesh

In a titled Magazine program “SURASKHA” Community Radio Stations (CRSs) in Bangladesh has broadcast a participatory and interactive  program on Quality Family Planning Information for achieving Sustainable Development Goal of 03 “ensure healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages” The purposes for facilitating of interventions have to inform, aware, educate and enhance… Continue reading Community Radio Reaches 1.2 Million People with Quality Family Planning Information in Rural Bangladesh

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Announcement of Call of Entry for AIBD Radio and TV Awards 2018

The Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development  (AIBD) is pleased to announce the opening of the call for entry for the AIBD Awards 2018. We are pleased to present this opportunity to all AIBD members and affiliates. Supported by AIBD, this competition will provide the opportunity for television and radio producers to receive international recognition for their work. The… Continue reading Announcement of Call of Entry for AIBD Radio and TV Awards 2018

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World Amateur Radio Day 2018

Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris. Amateur Radio experimenters were the first to discover that the short wave spectrum — far from being a wasteland — could… Continue reading World Amateur Radio Day 2018

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At the age of the enormous development of science and information technology the world turns to be a „Global Village‟. It has been assumed that the importance of radio has declined at the age of the global domination of electronic media but in reality, the importance of radio has‟t decreased in developed, developing & least… Continue reading BANGLADESH GOVERNMENT HAS ANNOUNCED COMMUNITY RADIO POLICY 2017

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Bangladesh Government has announced Community Radio Installation Broadcast and Operation Policy 2017

Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has announced  New Community Radio Installation Broadcast and Operation Policy 2017 by Bangladesh Gazette on 8 February 2018. According to the preamble of Bangladesh Gazette, The world becomes a “Global Village” due to enormous development of advertisement and Information Technology (ICT).  It has been assumed that the importance of radio… Continue reading Bangladesh Government has announced Community Radio Installation Broadcast and Operation Policy 2017

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World Press Freedom Day 2018 is going to be observed in 17 Community Radio Station level in rural Bangladesh on 3rd May 2018 with support from Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) & Free Press Unlimited. In the meanwhile, community radio stations are preparing them for celebrating the World Press Freedom Day. The… Continue reading BANGLADESH WILL CELEBRATE WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 2018 AT COMMUNITY RADIO STATION LEVEL

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World Radio Day 2018: Radio and Sports in line with Bangladesh Community Radio Context

13 February 2018 the “World Radio Day” is celebrated worldwide. The theme of the day this year is “Radio and Sports”. Radio is still playing a powerful medium for encouraging sports in the world as well as in Bangladesh. However, it was revealed in a study that only 4% of the programs broadcast by World… Continue reading World Radio Day 2018: Radio and Sports in line with Bangladesh Community Radio Context

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Bangladesh Observing 7th World Radio Day | 13 February 2018

7th World Radio Day 2018 is observing in local and national level on 13 February 2018. In the meanwhile, all radio station like Public Service Broadcasting, Private Broadcasting, and Community Radio Stations are preparing them for celebrating the day 7th time in Bangladesh in line with the theme Radio and Sports. In this occasion, Public… Continue reading Bangladesh Observing 7th World Radio Day | 13 February 2018

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CALL FOR ENTRY: The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union(ABU) PRIZES 2018

ABU Prizes 2018 is now open for your entry. As you all know, ABU Prizes is the most prestigious programme awards in our region which honours the best Radio and Television programmes and starting from this year the best New Media contents (ABU Digital Content Award) from our member organisations. This year the Award Ceremony… Continue reading CALL FOR ENTRY: The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union(ABU) PRIZES 2018

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