Community Radio Jhenuk 99.2 Awarded Family Planning Media Award 2014 in Bangladesh

Community Radio Jhenuk 99.2 has been awarded Family Planning Media Award-2013-14 in Radio Category jointly with Bangladesh Betar in a nation-wide competition organized by Directorate of Family Planning of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under the support of UNFPA. Community Radio Jhenuk 99.2 took part in the competition with their 2-part Investigative spot radio… Continue reading Community Radio Jhenuk 99.2 Awarded Family Planning Media Award 2014 in Bangladesh

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Young Rural Women in Community Media in Bnagladesh

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) started its fellowship Program for young women in Media and Journalism for six months. This is the second batch engaged in the program under the support of Free Press Unlimited (FPU). The objectives of the program are to encourage more young skilled women to be enrolled in… Continue reading Young Rural Women in Community Media in Bnagladesh

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World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS): C-9 Media. WSIS Action Lines Executive Summaries (Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations)

1. Achievements  UNESCO has played a leading part, within the international community, in promoting media freedom and freedom of expression including on Internet, in building the capacity of journalists and media organizations, and in developing understanding of the interaction between traditional and new media. Its work in this area is described in Part 3 of… Continue reading World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS): C-9 Media. WSIS Action Lines Executive Summaries (Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations)

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Public Consultation on Amateur Radio Licensing Procedure and Usage in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission(BTRC) seek public opinion on “Instructions for Amateur Radio Licensing Procedure and usage of amateur radio in Bangladesh To ensure the right and interest of telecommunication consumers in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has decided to issue the Instructions on Amateur Radio Licensing procedure and usage of amateur radio in Bangladesh.… Continue reading Public Consultation on Amateur Radio Licensing Procedure and Usage in Bangladesh

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Training Workshop on Skill Enhancement for Production and Editing in Program and news for Community Radio Stations

On 18th May, Training workshop has been started on skill enhancement for Production and editing in program and news for community radio station for 5 daylong at Teknaf, the boarder area of Cox’s bazaar district, Bangladesh. Free Press Unlimited and Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) jointly organized this workshop with the support… Continue reading Training Workshop on Skill Enhancement for Production and Editing in Program and news for Community Radio Stations

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Training workshop on Skill Enhancement for Production & Editing in Program & News for Community Radio Station

A five day-long Training workshop on “Skill Enhancement for Production & Editing in Program & News for Community Radio Station” was started on May 25, 2011 at the conference room of Hotel Mukta, Rajshahi. The Training workshop was jointly organized by Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and Radio… Continue reading Training workshop on Skill Enhancement for Production & Editing in Program & News for Community Radio Station

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Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication to take part in global meeting on the future of the Internet Governance in Brazil 2014

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication   will join a global meeting on the future of the Internet Governance (NETmundial) Sao Paulo, Brazil organized by The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee of Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and 1Net forum from 23 -24 April, 2014. This meeting will focus on the elaboration of principles… Continue reading Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication to take part in global meeting on the future of the Internet Governance in Brazil 2014

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21 World Press Freedom Day: Community Radio Station level in Bangladesh

World Press Freedom Day 2014 is going to be observed in all Community Radio stations in Bangladesh simultaneously on May 03, 2014. In the mean while, all Community Radio stations are preparing them for celebrating the day 3rd time in Bangladesh at Community Radio station level with support from Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and… Continue reading 21 World Press Freedom Day: Community Radio Station level in Bangladesh

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Training Workshop on Child Protection and Child Right issues for Community broadcasters

“Community Radio can play a vital role for reducing violence against girls and young women and thus the gender equality will be ensured” said the facilitators at the different sessions of the first day of a three daylong training workshop on “Share and explore the best practices: Child Protection and Child Right issues in Community… Continue reading Training Workshop on Child Protection and Child Right issues for Community broadcasters

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VOICES FOR CHANGE: A Quiet Revolution of Community Broadcasting in Bangladesh to Fight Poverty and Promote Rural Development.

BNNRC Devoted Entirely to Promote Community Media for Development (CM4D) & Leads Supports and Advocates for the Initiators to actively provide independent community broadcasting in Bangladesh since 2000. It gives us a great pleasure to present you the VOICES FOR CHANGE: A Quiet Revolution of Community Broadcasting in Bangladesh to Fight Poverty and Promote Rural Development. Currently 14… Continue reading VOICES FOR CHANGE: A Quiet Revolution of Community Broadcasting in Bangladesh to Fight Poverty and Promote Rural Development.

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